Is there a variable in NPM where I can get the parent node/group name of a node goes that into 'Unreachable' status?
I'm trying to add a simple line to our alert emails like this:
Parent Node: ${parentNodeName}
I know I can do this with a SQL query in SWQL:
SELECT Caption
FROM Orion.Nodes as n
JOIN Orion.Dependencies as d
ON n.NodeID = d.ParentNetObjectID
WHERE d.ParentNetObjectID = {{AlertedNodesParentNetObjectID}}
The only problem with importing this into the Alert Manager is I don't know how to get the value for {{AlertedNodesParentNetObjectID}} dynamically from the alert.
Anyone know how to do this? It's not a biggie, but would be nice to have!
PS I'm on NPM 11.5.1, so I have the new web based alert editor.