I need to monitor an error directory on a share, and alert if any files are created in it. Seems pretty simple. Let's assume that the directory can be accessed via \\server1\sharename\errors. This system is in a segmented network and the poller is only allowed to establish connections on UDP/161 and UDP/445. The system and the poller are both members of the same AD domain.
From my pollers I can Start->Run->\\server1\sharename\errors and see the directory.
I created a template, and created a component monitor with component type "File Existence Monitor". I assign the Credential for Monitoring, set the File Path to \\${IP}\sharename\errors\*, and specify "File Must Not Exist". I assign node server1 as the Test Node, and select Test. The test fails with "The trust relationship between this workstation and the primary domain failed." Hmm.
If I modify the File Path to \\server1\sharename\errors\* and assign my poller as the test node, this works as I expect it to.
What am I missing here, please?