Hi Everyone,
I am trying to run the example code from GitHub to connect to Orion and fetch the VM list but seeing the following error during the connection though the IP and Solarwinds is active . What am I missing here.?
from swClassLib import *
sw = SolarWinds(ip='X.X.X.X', username="admin", password="admin")
vms = sw.getOrionVIMVirtualMachines()
print ("My VMs\n")
for vm in vms:
print (vm.getName(), vm.getIPAddress())
Could not connect in call from [(<frame object at 0x023CA9F8>, 'C:\\Python27\\Lib\\swClassLib.py', 97, 'sendRequest', [' caller = inspect.stack()\n'], 0), (<frame object at 0x0240D9E8>, 'C:\\Python27\\Lib\\swClassLib.py', 3226, 'getOrionVIMVirtualMachines', [' status=200)\n'], 0), (<frame object at 0x005AD608>, 'C:/Users/admin/PycharmProjects/SSH/ORION.py', 4, '<module>', ['vms = sw.getOrionVIMVirtualMachines()\n'], 0)]. Unable to continue
My VMs