Any idea on this please.
We created a scheduled report. Reports are triggered and sent via email.
However, the html is not accessible because the sent url uses the hostname of the SolarWinds server.
I tried to access the report using the IP address and it went okay.
I thought this is a DNS issue. However, as I checked on the SolarWinds server, the DNS server IP addresses is set.
I think, the issue is on the port.The default port is 8787.
But the URL in the report contains port 80. How do we change this setting in the report scheduler?
http://SH2-SW-APP01:80/Orion/Report.aspx?ReportID=202 - this is automatically generated and not working if we access.
http://SH2-SW-APP01:8787/Orion/Report.aspx?ReportID=202 - this is accessible.
Appreciate any response. Thank you.