I have been working on automating monitoring for our new servers. So far the example script from the Orion SDK - C:\Program Files (x86)\SolarWinds\Orion SDK\Samples\PowerShell\CRUD.AddWMINode.ps1 has been very useful and I have been able to add nodes but I am running into troubles with adding the actual monitoring.
Such as - if you go to the node that is added you will not see the disk volumes in the Disk Utilization tab.
Also, when I pull info from the SWQL it is missing most of the WMI information that I would expect WMI to grab. So if I do the query below on a server I add manually it will work but not if ran by CRUD.AddWMINode.ps1.
SELECT NodeDescription, Description, Vendor
FROM Orion.Nodes where Caption ="serverName"
Anyone attempt to do any of this? I am assuming others have ran into this before.