i want to run a Powershell script on the poller Server, under a specific account.
However it looks like that the script is always executed as System not as the specified user.
verified with the
whoami executeable
and the
Does anyone have experience with that ?
Below is excerpt from the debug log ...
2015-05-18 11:57:39,613 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Logging.ApmJobContextInfo - Reseting thread log data
2015-05-18 11:56:28,311 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.MonitorJob - Monitor test starting - ComponentId: 9501; NodeId: 348; NodeName: Servername; ApplicationId: 106; ComponentName: CRL Lifetime; ComponentType: SolarWinds.APM.Probes.PowerShellProbe, SolarWinds.APM.Probes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null; CustomLogEnabled: True; TestSessionId: 5568bdbf-a84b-495d-9fa8-f1d50720f15e;
2015-05-18 11:56:28,327 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.MonitorJob - Current process: SWJobEngineWorker2x64 (PID 39828)
2015-05-18 11:56:28,327 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.MonitorJob - Using new credentials prestagroup\pgsmonadm
2015-05-18 11:56:28,327 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.Script.PowerShellScriptHelper - Impersonating execution user:username, domain:mydomain agentExecutionMode:False
2015-05-18 11:56:28,342 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.Script.PowerShellScriptHelper - Creating local runspace
2015-05-18 11:56:28,436 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.Script.PowerShellScriptHelper - PS Runspace opened [id:7f2975f7-f57f-4393-b25c-c3a8ca998b4e,uri:]
2015-05-18 11:56:28,436 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.Script.PowerShellScriptHelper - Processing macros: 40 variables processed
2015-05-18 11:56:28,436 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.Script.PowerShellScriptHelper - Number of script arguments: 1
2015-05-18 11:57:39,613 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.PowerShellProbe -
Begin PowerShell Execute Result: ================================
Script: ====================================================
Write-Host "Message.BaseCRL: NO CA found with the provided CA Name of $server executed as user $([System.Environment]::UserName)";
Output: ====================================================
Message.BaseCRL: NO CA found with the provided CA Name of Servername executed as user SYSTEM
Statistic.BaseCRL: 0
Statistic.DeltaCRL: 0
Errors: ====================================================
Result: ====================================================
Component Evidence Type: DynamicEvidence
Component Type: None
Actual Outcome: Undefined
Registered Errors:
APM Error Code is ReturnDifferent, message: Testing on node '' failed with 'Unknown' status ('Unknown' might be different if script exits with a different exit code).
Dynamic Monitor Result Info:
Outcome based on statistic thresholds: Undefined
End PowerShell Execute Result ===================================
2015-05-18 11:57:39,613 [STP SmartThreadPool Thread #2] [C9501] DEBUG SolarWinds.APM.Probes.MonitorJob - Monitor test finished - ComponentId: 9501; NodeId: 348; NodeName: Servername; ApplicationId: 106; ComponentName: CRL Lifetime; ComponentType: SolarWinds.APM.Probes.PowerShellProbe, SolarWinds.APM.Probes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null; CustomLogEnabled: True; TestSessionId: 5568bdbf-a84b-495d-9fa8-f1d50720f15e;