I have been given the admin responsibility to a 11.5.2 Solarwinds NPM that is monitoring over 8000 devices. This server/software was all ready installed when I took my position.
Well with that being said I was creating some automatic reporting this week and ran into a snag. In the E-mail I receive I get this :
Unable to retrieve url: http://SOLARWINDS-HOST/Orion/Report.aspx?ReportID=161 using PDF type.
Where is says SOLARWINDS-HOST I cannot seem to change that. In the drop down in the advanced settings of the "Edit Report Schedule" I have 2 other options, but now what my actual server is.(Three Selections are SOLARWINDS-HOST, SOARWIND (Addiotnal), SolarwindOrion (Additional).)
My question here is how am I able to actually link the URL that is needed to pull the report.(If I exchange the SOLARWINDS-HOST to the correct ip or URL I get the report I want.)
I did find an old post here on the Thwack forums, however it told me to "just change it". Well with the new drop down box, I am not able to "just change it"
So far though, I have been learning leaps and bounds about solarwinds looking for my problem, however cant seem to find an answer to my specific problem. Thank you all for your time, I hope I can find an answer.