Since upgrading SAM 6.0 / NPM 10.6 to SAM 6.2.1 / NPM 11.5.2 we have had issues with alerts that have conversions. The message of the alert now states the following:
This alert has been active for MACRO SQL ERROR - Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. days and MACRO SQL ERROR - Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.
Here is what is set in the trigger action:
This alert has been active for ${SQL:Select Floor(Convert(float,(Convert(datetime,'${Year}-${MM}-${DD} ${HH}:${Minute}:${Second} ${AM/PM}')-Convert(datetime,'${N=Alerting;M=DownTime;F=DateTime}'))))} days and ${SQL:Select Convert(time,Convert(datetime,'${Year}-${MM}-${DD} ${HH}:${Minute}:${Second} ${AM/PM}') - Convert(datetime,'${N=Alerting;M=DownTime;F=DateTime}'))}
As stated before, it did work before the upgrade. The only thing I have found was something about M=DownTime to M=AlertTriggerTime in the forums. What am I missing?