I am trying to get Layer 3 netflow working from a nexus 7706 running 6.2(10). I have tried using version 9, specifying a source interface, and creating a custom flow recorder and nothing seems to work. My configurations are as follows Thank you.
flow timeout active 60
flow exporter Netflow-Exporter-Prod
description Production-Netflow-Exporter
destination {NTA IP Address}
transport udp 2055
version 5
ip sla responder
sampler NF-Sampler-Prod
description Netflow-Prod-Sampler
mode 1 out-of 1000
flow monitor Netflow-Monitor-Prod
description Use Predefined "Original-Netflow-Record"
record netflow-original
exporter Netflow-Exporter-Prod
interface Vlan918
ip flow monitor Netflow-Monitor-Prod input sampler NF-Sampler-Prod
ip address IP Address/30
ip directed-broadcast WOL
ip ospf authentication message-digest
ip ospf message-digest-key 1 md5 7 03405803565F0D
ip router ospf 1 area
ip pim sparse-mode
description AS-P2P to CC106-MDF-sw01
no shutdown