I have an external process action running that calls a script. The action is based off of the failure notification for a drive space monitor. I'd like to get some details from the monitor into my script as arguments (server and drive letter being monitored).
If I look at the popup XML for my drive space monitor, I can get the server from %monitor[target]%. I've used this in my failure command line and it evaluates as expected. But I want to get the drive letter as well. It looks like %monitor[desc]% will get me the "E$" for the drive letter that is being monitored. But for some reason that won't evaluate to anything. Not sure if I'm referencing that token correctly? Details below.
Monitor Popup XML:
<name>myserver.mycompany.com E: Drivespace</name>
Failure command line:
-File .\script.vbs -Server %monitor[target]% -Drive %monitor[desc]%
Evaluates to:
-File .\script.vbs -Server myserver.mycompany.com -Drive
Failure command line:
-File .\script.vbs -Server %monitor[target]% -Drive "%monitor[desc]%"
Evaluates to:
-File .\script.vbs -Server myserver.mycompany.com -Drive ""
Failure command line:
-File .\script.vbs -Server %monitor[target]% -Drive %monitor[desc]%STUFF
Evaluates to:
-File .\script.vbs -Server myserver.mycompany.com -Drive STUFF