I'm writing my own perl clock drift monitor because the canned monitor is randomly throwing super high values into the statistic, and I need to be able to source a local time server's clock due to PCI zone restrictions.
I have the following script that works running it local, and (mostly) works in SAM. For some reason SAM is losing a part of the messaging, but I can't figure out why.
When I run it local, these are my results:
Statistic: 0
Message: According to 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org, this server has a deviation of 0 seconds. 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org server time: 5 Aug 15:49:50. MyServer server time: 05 Aug 15:49:50.
When plugging into an Orion monitor, the message looks like this:
According to 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org, this server has a deviation of 0 seconds. 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org server time: . MyServer server time: 05 Aug 16:42:13.
(Notice the missing datetime...)
When I initially tried this in Orion, I had to change...
my $drift = $2;
my $drift = int($2);
...so that I could get a statistic, so I'm guessing it has something with the way Orion is interpreting $1 / $timeServerTime. I don't work with perl very much, so I could be dead wrong.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. I would really like to have both time stamps in the message for comparison.
use strict;
use Sys::Hostname;
my($timeServer) = $ARGV[0];
my $host = hostname;
# !get offset
my $rawDrift = `ntpdate -q @ARGV[0]|grep ntpdate`;
$rawDrift =~ /(\d+[ ]\w{3}[ ][\d:]{8}) .*? offset[ ]-?(\d+)[.].*? /xms;
# !get the time server time
my $timeServerTime = $1;
# !get the drift in seconds
my $drift = int($2);
# !get the local server time (for the message only)
my $localServerTime = `date +"%d %b %T"`;
chomp $localServerTime;
print "Statistic: $drift\n";
print "Message: According to $timeServer, this server has a deviation of $drift seconds. $timeServer server time: $timeServerTime. $host server time: $localServerTime.\n";