Im facing a strange issue wherein when I preview a report from report writer, it returns different values than when i run the same exact report from the web console. I created the report and saved it then hit preview, the report displays correctly. I then run the same report from the web console and the values are wildly different. Can anyone point me in the right direction here? Ive included the SQL of the report below. Thanks.
SELECT TOP 10000 Convert(DateTime,Floor(Cast((DateTime) as Float)),0) AS SummaryDate,
Nodes.NodeID AS NodeID,
Interfaces.InterfaceID AS InterfaceID,
Nodes.Caption AS NodeName,
Nodes.VendorIcon AS Vendor_Icon,
Interfaces.Caption AS Interface_Caption,
Interfaces.InterfaceIcon AS Interface_Icon,
MAX(Case InBandwidth
When 0 Then 0
Else (In_Averagebps/InBandwidth) * 100
End) AS MAX_of_Recv_Percent_Utilization,
MAX(Case OutBandwidth
When 0 Then 0
Else (Out_Averagebps/OutBandwidth) * 100
End) AS MAX_of_Xmit_Percent_Utilization,
When InBandwidth+OutBandwidth=0 Then 0
When InBandwidth=0 Then
(Out_Averagebps/OutBandwidth) * 100
When OutBandwidth=0 Then
(In_Averagebps/InBandwidth) * 100
( (Out_AverageBps/OutBandwidth)+(In_AverageBps/InBandwidth))*50
End) AS AVERAGE_of_CircuitUtil_AvgRecvXmit
(Nodes INNER JOIN Interfaces ON (Nodes.NodeID = Interfaces.NodeID)) INNER JOIN InterfaceTraffic ON (Interfaces.InterfaceID = InterfaceTraffic.InterfaceID AND InterfaceTraffic.NodeID = Nodes.NodeID)
( DateTime BETWEEN 42399 AND 42408 )
(Nodes.Vendor = 'Cisco') AND
(Interfaces.InterfaceTypeName LIKE '%PPP%')
GROUP BY Convert(DateTime,Floor(Cast((DateTime) as Float)),0),
Nodes.NodeID, Interfaces.InterfaceID, Nodes.Caption, Nodes.VendorIcon, Interfaces.Caption, Interfaces.InterfaceIcon
ORDER BY SummaryDate ASC, 4 ASC, 6 ASC